Fundraiser information
Bake Sales:
Every semester we hold 2 bake sales on campus to raise money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation®. Members bring home made baked goods and take take shifts sitting at the table to sell them to students, professors, faculty, etc. for $0.50 each!
Every semester Wendy's will set a date with a time slot from 5-8pm where they will give us 10% of all purchases to donate to the Make-A-Wish Foundation®! Members are encouraged to invite friends to participate.
Some members at a bake sale!
Every Fall we take a small amount of members to Harrisburg to participate in Walk-For-Wishes. It is run by the Make-A-Wish Foundation®. Anyone is welcome to sign up and pay $15 to participate. You walk with the group to raise money. Many wish children are there to tell their stories.
Members with a wish kid at Walk-For-Wishes 2015!
Car Wash
This semester was our first car wash fundraiser! Members charged $5 per car and all money was donated to the Make-A-Wish Foundation®!